
Approach To Discipline

At Creative Inspiration Journey School (CIJS) we work hard to develop a positive relationship between teacher and child. We believe if an interesting and challenging program is offered, then discipline problems are minimal. If problem behavior does occur, we begin with a positive approach. We believe that the purpose of discipline is to teach self-discipline, and that discipline should rely on inductive methods of explanation, reinforcement and modeling, rather than punishment. Above all, it is our goal to provide a warm and loving atmosphere in which children can grow, learn, and grow to love learning.

Our interactions with children

  • Consider the attention span and skills of children so that we do not expect them to behave at developmentally inappropriate levels.
  • Engage in discipline that relies on explanations, reinforcement, and modeling.
  • Praise and encourage good behavior instead of focusing upon unacceptable behavior.
  • Teach children that making mistakes is a natural part of learning, and that they can make their mistakes right. Children are expected to take responsibility and do so.
  • Are consistent – One key to effective discipline is consistency, and we are as consistent as possible in all areas.

Teachers and parents work together

At CIJS teachers and parents work together to deal with problem behavior. We encourage parents to discuss with their child that the following are unacceptable:

  • Leaving the area without permission
  • Throwing toys, rocks, or sand at other children
  • Abusive, or inappropriate language
  • Purposely hurting themselves or others; for example, by hitting, biting, spitting, kicking, or pulling hair

CIJS believes

  • Children are never shamed or humiliated.
  • Yelling at children is not permitted.
  • Spanking or any other type of corporal punishment is not permitted.

Disciplinary Techniques

Some specific disciplinary techniques that teachers may use are:

  • Redirection
  • Reinforcement of good behavior
  • Use of a “think time” within their area that involves the following
    • Children are taught that there is a safe and quiet area within the classroom where they can go to gain control of their emotions.
    • The teacher models use of the ‘think time’ area, and explains situations where it might be used.
    • Going to the ‘think time” area is voluntary, but may be suggested by the teacher.
    • Depending upon the circumstances, the teacher may help the child identify his/her problem behavior and possible alternatives.