

Creative Inspiration Journey School

Excellence in Early Education

Creative Inspiration Journey School was founded as an early childhood educational program inspired by the groundbreaking Reggio Emilia Approach to learning.

What began as a small movement in the town of Reggio Emilia in post-war Italy, soon emerged as one of the world’s foremost childhood learning systems with a strong emphasis upon community, individual respect, and social responsibility.

The Reggio Emilia Approach is so powerful because it allows children to direct the learning process according to their own needs in a less-structured environment that gives students the chance to grow at their own pace both as individuals and community members.

Based upon these principles, our schools create a warm and caring environment where children love to learn through guided self-discovery, imagination, and creativity—while interacting with others in a friendly and safe atmosphere.

Our belief in caring for nature is steeped in the natural surroundings of our campus environment to help integrate the green philosophy we express on a daily basis.

The curriculum is well-balanced and crafted to foster each child’s personal growth in social, physical, cognitive, and emotional developmental areas.

It allows room for teacher and child directed activities utilizing critical thinking skills, communication and collaboration as core tenants.

Our children are competent, resourceful, inventive learners, capable of co-constructing knowledge while fostering their natural talents.

We embrace a collaborative partnership inclusive of the surrounding community, parents, teachers and students to help children become life-long learners who will excel along their future educational paths.

Excellence in Education is Our Mandate.

Your partner in education,

Creative Inspiration Journey School Staff